Essential Oils + Chiropractic Care

Essential Oils + Chiropractic Care

At True Light we have a powerful belief that our bodies are always seeking balance and harmony allowing for an optimal state of ease + well-being. The more we can implement in our own lifestyles to assist our bodies natural design and function…the closer to this state of ease and optimal function we get.

With that being said, in our office we love to utilize essential oils to assist in our unique Chiropractic experience. Not only are we highly intentional with our adjustments to aid in your body’s natural function, we utilize essential oils to facilitate this process. Essential oils can support every system in your body, providing immune, digestive, respiratory, and hormonal support, as well as mood, emotions, oxygen levels, and more!

Essential oils are the potent and concentrated “essence” of a plant, harnessed through a distillation process into a liquid form to aid in natural healing. We choose to use these in 2 main ways:

  1. We diffuse essential oils aromatically so that you feel a sense of peace and relaxation right when you walk into our space! Not to mention, it is a much better alternative to toxic exposure from synthetic fragrances. It has been shown that inhaling essential oils improves oxygen availability and directly impacts the limbic system, which is an area of our brain that controls our attitude, memory and emotions. Who wouldn’t want to impact that area of their brain from just taking a few deep breaths?!
  2. We also use essential oils topically throughout our adjustments. Topically applying essential oils allows them to be absorbed into the body quickly and work synergistically to support our bodies’ natural abilities. We have a variety of oils and blends in our office so that we can utilize their different healing properties effectively for each practice members’ specific and unique health needs.

Essential oils are a beneficial addition to the preventative health care that we provide in our office, not to mention they help to facilitate connection between body, mind, and spirit! We are happy to provide you with the opportunity to utilize them on your wellness journey, whether you are very knowledgeable or have never had a chance to try them out. ✌️

Love ♥️ + Light ✨,

Dr. Kelsey

Marle Maria
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